Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 21:27 | No Comments »

Agile working creates an efficient business environment by giving employees the freedom and flexibility to work in different areas of an office, or remotely via hot-desking, when and how they choose. With less constraints and more flexibility, the focus is more about performance and quality and less about where tasks are undertaken. Instant Offices have taken a closer look into Agile Working:

What is Agile Working?

By looking at work as an activity, rather than a place, agile working focuses on eliminating any barriers that stand in the way of achieving objectives. 70% of organisations are predicted to adopt some sort of flexible working by 2020 and agile working is at the heart of this transition to a more adaptable way of viewing the workplace.

Benefits of Agile Working

·         Improved quality of working relationships, both internal and client-facing

·         Reduced costs

·         Increased productivity

·         Talent acquisition and retention

In recent years, the demand for more flexible ways of working has increased, and the Manpower Group’s workspace research shows quite definitively that 79% of employees want the option at their current company and this number is even higher among younger generations of workers.

Research by the Agile Future Forum (AFF) found that agile working practices saved 3 -13% of workforce costs, with the potential to increase that from 3% to 7% where agile working practices were implemented more considerably. The AFF also shared a case study which saw the productivity of Black Horse Finance’s new business and fleet operations department grow 10% following the introduction of agile working; colleague engagement also rose by 7%.

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